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#602 : Pro And Con

Ecrit par: Frank Pines

Réalisateur : Michael Lembeck

Ben apprend quelques faits intéressants sur les récents rencards de Tucker, mais la question est de savoir si Tucker sort en réalité avec une prostituée, ainsi il demande l'aide de Danny pour découvrir la vérité. Alors que Bonnie et Brad se préparent à partir en voyage dans le monde entier, Brad est arrêté par le FBI. Riley est d'accord pour défendre Brad en tant que son avocate, mais cela s'avère être plus compliqué que prévu.



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Sneak Peek 1 (vo)


Sneak Peek Ben/Emma (vo)

Sneak Peek Ben/Emma (vo)


Scène Bonnie/Brad/Riley (vo)

Scène Bonnie/Brad/Riley (vo)


Scène Danny/Kiki (vo)

Scène Danny/Kiki (vo)


Scène Bonnie/Brad (vo)

Scène Bonnie/Brad (vo)


Fin de l'épisode (vo)

Fin de l'épisode (vo)


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Danny, Ben et Tucker discutent dans le commissariat

Danny, Ben et Tucker discutent dans le commissariat

Brad se fait arrêter

Brad se fait arrêter

Bonnie et Riley

Bonnie et Riley

Riley fait face à l'avocate de la défense contre Brad

Riley fait face à l'avocate de la défense contre Brad

Brad et Riley sont rentrés de leurs vacances

Brad et Riley sont rentrés de leurs vacances

Bonnie et Danny font un câlin à Emma

Bonnie et Danny font un câlin à Emma

Ben, Danny et Tucker petit déjeune

Ben, Danny et Tucker petit déjeune

Tucker présente sa nouvelle conquête

Tucker présente sa nouvelle conquête

Brad se fait arrêter sous les yeux de Bonnie

Brad se fait arrêter sous les yeux de Bonnie

Tucker voit Bonnie parler à sa nouvelle copine

Tucker voit Bonnie parler à sa nouvelle copine

Bonnie promet à Brad de tout faire pour l'aider

Bonnie promet à Brad de tout faire pour l'aider

Tucker n'est pas d'accord avec Ben

Tucker n'est pas d'accord avec Ben

Ben veut parler à Danny

Ben veut parler à Danny

Tucker parle de sa copine à Ben

Tucker parle de sa copine à Ben

Ben et Emma mange

Ben et Emma mange

Tucker et Ben se disputent

Tucker et Ben se disputent

Bonnie regarde Brad se faire emmener par la police

Bonnie regarde Brad se faire emmener par la police


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 20.03.2017 à 20:30
0.41m / 0.2% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ben et Emma sont en train de manger des céréales en plein milieu de la nuit. Ben demande à Emma s’il est un bon ou mauvais père de la réveiller dans la nuit pour discuter. Emma répond oui mais Ben réplique que de toute façon, elle est shootée au sucre. Tucker arrive accompagné d’une jeune femme et commencent à s’embrasser. Ben lui fait remarquer qu’ils sont là, notamment Emma.

Tucker présente la jeune femme, Kiki et commence à l’emmener dans sa chambre. Tucker s’arrête pour prendre du vin. Ben lui demande où il l’a trouvé et répond vers le belvédère. Tucker se dirige vers sa chambre avec le vin tandis que Ben s’empresse de frapper à la porte de Riley pour parler à Danny. Danny ouvre la porte, Ben indique que c’est une urgence, il pense qu’une prostituée est chez eux. Danny n’en revient pas. Les deux essayent d’aller sur le balcon pour les voir.

Le lendemain matin, Ben et Danny questionne Tucker sur la fameuse Kiki. Ils lui font comprendre que ça arrive à tout le monde de demander les services à une prostituée un jour ou l’autre. Mais Tucker ne veut rien savoir. Elle n’en est pas une. Vexé, il s’en prend à Ben sur son histoire de fille mystère et Ben remet l’histoire de son ancien job sur le tapis. Ben compte bien prouver que la fille est une prostituée.

Brad et Bonnie entre dans l’appartement et annonce leur départ pour leur voyage. Ils disent au revoir à la famille et s’en vont pour pouvoir boire un coup quelque part avant leur vol. Dans le couloir de l’ascenseur, ils croisent Riley. Bonnie lui dit au revoir. Riley également et n’arrive pas à lui dire qu’elle va lui manquer. L’ascenseur s’ouvre et le FBI débarque pour arrêter Brad. Bonnie de comprend pas pourquoi. Le FBI indique que Brad est arrêté pour fraude immobilière. Brad dit à Bonnie qu’il va s’en sortir et qu’elle doit lui trouver un bon avocat. Elle se retourne vers Riley avec le regard insistant. Riley refuse mais abdique et accepte la demande.

Ben travaille au bar et voit Kiki arriver. Il panique et retrouve Danny dans l’arrière-boutique pour lui indiquer que la fille est ici. Ben pense que Danny doit demander à Kiki ses services pour prouver sa théorie. Entre temps, Tucker est venu chercher Kiki pour leur rendez-vous et une autre fille s’est installée sur la chaise de Kiki. Danny s’approche de la fille et lui fait du rentre dedans.

A la prison, Bonnie discute avec Brad entre la vitre de sécurité. Brad essaye de rassurer Bonnie. Riley arrive et pense pouvoir traiter son dossier. Riley se moque que Brad soit coupable ou non, seul les faits sont intéressants. Mais Brad ne comprenant pas le double sens des dires de Riley, lui avoue qu’il est coupable à 100%. Pensant que Riley ne l’entend pas, il le répète plusieurs fois.

Danny et la fille arrive sur le couloir de l’appartement des garçons. Elle se souvient être venue déjà ici. Danny lui dit que c’est le but de son plan. La fille entre dans l’appartement et voit Ben déjà présent. Ben demande à Rachel ce qu’elle fait là. Danny se rend compte qu’il a ramené la mauvaise fille du bar. Danny se demande pourquoi Rachel l’a suivi et elle répond qu’elle voulait coucher avec un Ranger. Riley arrive à ce moment-là et entend la dernière phrase. Danny lui explique la situation et ils s’en vont les 2.

Bonnie et Tucker arrivent. Tucker demande ce qu’il se passe. Bonnie lui dit qu’ils essayent de prouver qu’il sort avec une prostituée. Tucker veut le convaincre que ce n’en est pas une. Ben lui demande s’il sait ce qu’elle fait dans la vie où elle habite. Tucker répond que non mais cela prouve juste qu’il ne s’est pas intéressé à elle. Tucker est encore vexé. Danny demande comment ça s’est passé, Ben répond mal et prend la décision d’aller au belvédère trouver Kiki.

Riley arrive à la prison en apportant une bonne nouvelle pour Brad et Bonnie. Riley peut apporter une demande de caution pour sa liberté. Le temps que Riley en parle à Brad, Bonnie s’assoit à côté d’une femme et commence à discuter. Elle lui avoue que son mari est bien coupable jusqu’aux dents. Riley répond que c’est bon il faut qu’elle fasse sa demande à l’assistant du procureur, seulement c’est la femme assis à côté de Bonnie. Après avoir entendu les confessions de Bonnie, elle refuse bien évidemment la requête de Riley. Bonnie est furieuse.

Alors qu’elles partent, elles croisent Danny et Ben. Ils essayent de sortir une excuse valable mais elles voient bien qu’ils mentent. Elles s’en vont et Tucker arrive payer la caution des 2 garçons. Ben avoue qu’ils sont allés voir au belvédère si Kiki était là. Mais ils sont tombés sur une flic sous couverture. Tucker comprend que Ben ne va pas démordre de l’affaire. Il capitule et va prouver que kiki n’est pas une prostituée à ses 2 amis. Pour cela, il a donné rendez-vous à Kiki au B on Bar et annulera son rendez-vous avec elle et Danny lui fera des avances.

Bonnie se trouve dans l’espace de stockage de Brad où se trouvent les preuves qui le rendent coupable. Elle est prête à mettre le feu aux preuves. Riley arrive et la dissuade. Elle lui dit qu’il est peut-être temps de lâcher Brad et refaire sa vie, elle a encore le temps. Bonnie ne sait pas trop quoi faire. Mais ses pensées sont vites mis de côté quand elles commencent à sentir de la fumée. En effet, les documents commencent à prendre feu. Elles s’enfuient en pensant à activer l’alarme incendie (sans laisser de trace bien sûr)

Danny aborde Kiki au bar. Kiki commence à la repousser mais quand elle reçoit le message de Tucker annulant leur rencard, elle accepte la proposition de Danny. Ce dernier lui demande confirmation qu’elle va coucher avec lui pour de l’argent. Elle confirme. Ils en informent les 2 autres garçons qui viennent à leur portée. Tucker n’en revient pas que Kiki est bien une prostituée. Kiki lui dit que c’est un métier comme un autre et qu’elle n’était pas dans ce rôle avec lui. Toutefois, elle met fin à leur échange. Ben est heureux d’avoir eu raison. Cependant, Tucker lui fait remarquer qu’il a fait ça pour lui ou pour son ami. Ben culpabilise au final.

Bonnie arrive à la prison avec Riley pour mettre un terme à sa relation avec Brad. Elle prend du courage et rejoint Brad à la vitre. Brad lui fait comprendre qu’il va rester un moment ici et il lui redonne sa liberté si c’est ce qu’elle veut. Bonnie venant dans cet optique est au final surprise de ses paroles et compte bien le soutenir peu importe le temps qu’il restera en prison.

Ben a demandé à Kiki de le voir pour mettre les choses à plat. Ben lui demande si elle peut prétendre elle une prostituée, comme cela Tucker pourra se remettre avec elle. Mais elle ne veut pas lui mentir. Ben lui propose juste pour quelques rencards, le temps qu’ils rompent normalement. Kiki accepte la proposition mais veut 500 dollars en échange. Du coup, Ben hésite sur sa proposition.

C’est la nuit, Ben et Emma mangent encore des céréales. Tucker se ramène avec une autre fille. Alors qu’il commence à parler, Tucker coupe la parole à Ben et donne toutes les informations sur cette fille. Ben demande tout de même ce qu’est devenue Kiki dans l’histoire mais Tucker répond qu’il n’en a plus rien à faire. Ben apprend à Emma de toujours demander une facture, nous apprenant implicitement que Ben avait choisir son ami et payer les 500 dollars de Kiki.

Fin de l’épisode

Ecrit par stella



Ben and Emma eat sprinkles in the middle of the night.


BEN: You want some more sprinkles?

EMMA: Yes, please.

BEN: Okay, I'm not really sure if I'm the best dad or the worst dad in the world for getting you up in the middle of the night to eat ice cream with me.

EMMA: The best.

BEN: Oh, what do you know? You're all hopped up on sugar. With all the depraved crazies I have to put up with at the bar, I love comin' home to someone so pure and innocent.

TUCKER: And this is where the magic happens.

BEN: Um before any magic happens, let's remember the rule: no magic in front of the baby.

TUCKER: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey. Hey, man. Ha-ha. This is…

KIKI: Kiki.

TUCKER: Kiki? Yes. Kiki. Kiki. It's Kiki. That's my roommate and his kid. You don't really need to talk to them, just just make your way down to the end of the hall. I'll grab us some wine. Pay no attention to the self-help books and the vision board, I I'm holdin' those for a friend.

BEN: Please take this as a huge compliment, but she is way out of your league.

TUCKER: I know, right? So I just decided to grab, like a quick drink down at the Belvedere, you know, and there she was, just sittin' there alone, at the end of the bar, man.

BEN: The Belvedere?


BEN: You met her sitting alone at the Belvedere?

TUCKER: Yep. And now she's here. In my house, in my bed. Why am I still talkin' to you?

BEN: Okay. Eat up, Daddy will be right back.




Ben scream to wake up Danny.


BEN: Danny. Danny. Danny. Danny.

DANNY: Dude, what is wrong with you?

BEN: Remember when you told me to wake you up no matter what time it was, if A, there was an apocalypse, B, if beer were suddenly free around the world, or C, if I ever met a real live hooker? Well, one of those things just happened.

DANNY: B. Wait, no, A.

BEN: It's C. A hooker. Tucker just brought home a hooker.

DANNY: What? No way.

BEN: He met her at the Belvedere, AKA, hooker hangout.

DANNY: Oh. Oh my God, I wanna see her.

BEN: What? No. But if you hold me out over the fire escape, I think I could see her.






Ben and Danny question Tucker about the girl.


BEN: So, where's the new girlfriend? Didn't spend the night, huh?

TUCKER: No, she had to be up early.

DANNY: So you say she stayed I don't know about an hour.

TUCKER: Yeah something like that. Okay, seriously, please, please tell me what's makin' you two smile like weird home-schooled kids?

BEN: Dude, it's okay, we've all paid for it before.

DANNY: Really? You've paid for it?

BEN: No, I've never paid for it. That's what you say to a friend, so he doesn't feel bad when he pays for it.

TUCKER: Um, hi. Uh, I'm sorry. You guys think Kiki's a prostitute?

BEN: Pretty much. I mean, look where you met her, look how you met her, and if that doesn't convince you, look at her.

DANNY: Oh, and don't forget her name Kiki.

TUCKER: Oh, I see what's goin' on here, you're just jealous.

BEN: Me? How am I jealous?

TUCKER: Yeah, you're jealous because I found a smart, attractive girl who likes me.

BEN: Tucker, pretending to like you is her job.

TUCKER: I didn't pay for it.

DANNY: I hear the first time's usually free.

TUCKER: That's drugs.

BEN: What ?

TUCKER: And besides, man, at least I'm not the one chasin' around some fantasy chick he's never even met because he can't have a relationship with a real girl.

BEN: I might not have a girlfriend, but at least I have a job.

TUCKER: Oh, you did not just go there.

BEN: Oh, I went there. I'm livin' there. I'm gonna build a house and raise a family there.

TUCKER: You know what?

(He leaves in his room)

DANNY: Hey, Tuck. Ben.

BEN: I know.

DANNY You know what you gotta do?

BEN: Yeah, prove that girl really is a prostitute.


Bonnie and Brad come in.


BONNIE: Adios. Sayonara.

BRAD: Arrivederci.

BONNIE: And, uh, buh-bye. Last stop on our goodbye tour before we head off on our lust-filled trip around the world. I learned how to scream "Oh, God" in five languages.

EMMA: Grandma.

BONNIE: Oh Emma. Mmm. Oh, Grandma's gonna miss you so much.

DANNY: It's not gonna be the same without you, Mom.

BONNIE: Oh, honey. Oh, this this is the memory I will take with me. Let's be honest, I could use a break.

BEN: Right there with ya.

BRAD: Well, Bon-Bon, we better get goin'. Our flight leaves in two hours and we still need to get our shots.

DANNY: Oh, you're getting vaccinated?

BONNIE: No, we're gettin' wasted.

BOTH: Boink.

BONNIE: This vacation starts now.

BRAD: Bye.




Bonnie and Brad leaves and meet Riley who is just leaving.


BONNIE: Hi, Riles. Bye, Riles.

RILEY : Bye, Mrs. Wheeler. I'm really gonna mi… (clears throat) I'm really gonna mi… Oh, damn it, I could do it this morning.

(The elevator comes in with Fbi inside)


BONNIE: Oh, my God. Okay, you know, it's medicinal. I have a license, yeah. I'm holding it for a friend, his name is Ben Wheeler, he lives right there.

FBI MAN: We aren't here for you, ma'am. Brad Walker, you're under arrest.

BRAD: What? No, no. There must be some kind of a mistake.

BONNIE: What are you doing? I mean, what are the charges?

RILEY: Are you sure you're not here for her?

FBI MAN: I am. Real estate fraud.

RILEY: That could still be her.

BONNIE: Honey, what are they talking about?

BRAD: Listen to me, Bonnie, everything is gonna be okay. There is a perfectly logical explanation, which I am currently working on. Just stay calm, and find me a great lawyer.

(Bonnie watches Riley)

RILEY: No. No, no, no, definitely not. I'm I'm busy. I'm pregnant. Conflict of interest, not my specialty. Please stop me when you hear one of those you like.

BONNIE: Listen, if you don't help Brad, I will make every day of your life a living hell. Yeah, that's right, nothing's gonna change.

RILEY: Race you to the courthouse.





Ben works and sees Kiki just comes in.


BEN: Danny. It's her. Tucker's hooker is here. She's sitting at the bar.

DANNY: Really? Oh, my God, I want to see her.

BEN: No, no, no, no. no. You're not just gonna see her, - you're gonna pick her up.

DANNY: Okay. And where should I put her?

BEN: You're gonna proposition her, Danny. Bring her home, and I'll make sure Tucker is there. We gotta prove to him that she's a hooker.

DANNY: What if she doesn't agree? I don't feel very attractive today.

BEN: Dude, she's a hooker.

It's literally her job to agree.


Tucker picks up Kiki and another woman sit in Kiki’s place.



KIKI: Hey.

TUCKER: Thanks for meetin' me here. You ready to go?

KIKI: Yeah.

TUCKER: Let's go. You look great.


BEN: Okay. So she's the hot one sitting in the middle of the bar. I'll find Tucker and meet you at home.


Danny approaches the girl.


DANNY: Boy, am I lonely. If only I could have sex with someone.




Bonnie talks with Brad behind the window.


BONNIE: This can't be happening. I don't know how much longer I can stand to see you rotting away like this.

BRAD: Bonnie, it's only been two hours. But I'm scared. Three prison gangs want me and I don't wanna hurt anyone's feelings.

BONNIE: Listen. All right, don't worry. Riley is gonna get you out of here. In the meantime, let me take you to cellblock double-D.

(Riley comes in)

RILEY: Oh, my God. Mrs. Wheeler, put those away.

BONNIE: No. This is how I grieve.

(Riley talks with Brad)

RILEY: Okay. Hi. All right. I looked through the charges, and I think I have a clear strategy for getting you out. So your guilt or innocence doesn't matter. In fact, it's actually better if I don't know…

BRAD: I'm guilty.

RILEY: Is the kind of statement that I don't need to know.

BRAD: I did it all. There is a storage locker in Brooklyn with all the evidence they need against me.

RILEY: And I did not hear that.

BRAD: I said I'm guilty.

RILEY: Brad, stop. I can't hear any of this.

BRAD: There's something wrong with my phone. Would someone please tell my lawyer that I'm guilty?




RACHEL: Wait. I've actually been here before.

DANNY: I know. That's kind of the point. Could you just wait here for one second?




DANNY: Hey. I got the hooker. Where's Tucker?

BEN: I don't know. He hasn't answered any of my texts. Normally, at this time of day, he's sitting on the couch, wondering where his life went wrong.


BEN: Rachel? Rachel. Hey. So great to see you. Sorry I never called you back, I, uh broke my hand. What are you doin' here?

DANNY: I thought your name was Kiki.

RACHEL: Nope. Rachel.

BEN: Well done, Danny, you brought home the wrong girl.

DANNY: You're not a hooker?

RACHEL: No, I'm not a hooker.

DANNY: Then why'd you come back with me when I asked you if you wanted to have sex?

RACHEL: I thought I was hooking up with a New York Ranger.


Riley comes in.


RILEY: I thought I was hooking up with a New York Ranger.

DANNY: Riley. Uh, it's not what it looks like. See, I thought Rachel was Tucker's hooker, so I tried to make her my hooker. It's just your classic case of mistaken hooker identity.

RILEY: Ah, relax. The fact that Ben is here automatically clears everybody.

(Riley and Danny leaves, Bonnie and Tucker come in)

BEN: So, Rachel, how's your cat?

RACHEL: She died.

BEN: Bummer.

TUCKER: What's goin' on?

BONNIE: Okay, well, big picture: Brad's been arrested and my life may be over. And small picture: Danny hired this hooker to prove that you were dating one. Yeah. I think that's everything, right? Yeah.

RACHEL: I'm not a hooker.

BONNIE: Okay, whatever you say, sweetie.

TUCKER: Ben, can I talk to you?

BEN: I'd rather not, you seem pretty pissed.

BONNIE: Did he pick you up at the Belvedere? Tell Jimmy I said hi.


Tucker tries to convince Kiki is not a hooker.


BEN: I'm tellin' you, I'm right.

TUCKER: Dude, you are being ridiculous. Kiki is not a hooker, man. You wanna know how I know? I'm not paying her.

BEN: That doesn't mean other people aren't. Come on, man, what do you even know about her? What does she do for a living?

TUCKER: No idea.

BEN: Are you seeing her again tonight?

TUCKER: Nope, she's working.

BEN: At what?

TUCKER: No idea.

BEN: Exactly.

TUCKER: Okay This does not prove that she's a hooker, man. It It just proves that I'm a bad listener. And what does any girl you've ever dated do?

BEN: Riley's like a judge or something?

TUCKER: Exactly. And we're done with this conversation.

BEN: Tucker!

TUCKER: I said done.

DANNY: Tucker still mad?

BEN: Yup.

DANNY: Should we apologize?

BEN: Nope. We're goin' to the Belvedere.


BEN: Because friendship isn't just about what you say to your friends. It's what you do behind their backs. Tucker's lucky to have us.




Bonnie is waiting.


RILEY: Mrs. Wheeler. Mrs. Wheeler, great news.


RILEY: All the evidence against Brad is circumstantial. After a preliminary conversation with the DA's office, it looks like I may be able to cut him a deal.

BONNIE: Quit the legal mumbo jumbo, you showoff, and give it to me straight.

RILEY: I think I'll be able to get Brad out. Okay, I mean, except for an indecent exposure case that you are a part of, his record is squeaky clean. I mean, he'll just have to pay a fine, he won't even lose his real estate license.

BONNIE: Oh, my God. You did it. I mean, you. You actually did it. God, I I knew I was smart to pick you, huh?

RILEY: Yep, it's all you.

BONNIE: It always is.

RILEY: Oh, I'm gonna convince Brad to take the deal.


Riley is going, Bonnie sit next to a woman.


BONNIE: Phew! Always waitin' on the men, am I right?

WOMAN: Well, it is a men's prison.


WOMAN: What's yours in for?

BONNIE: Real estate fraud. Guilty as sin. But when you've got an ass like that, you're bound to make a few mistakes.

WOMAN: Think you'll be able to get him off?

BONNIE: Oh, for the fraud and stuff, right. Yeah, we're already working on it.

RILEY: Okay. Brad's on board. Now I just need to talk to the assistant DA and get this thing finalized.

ASSISTANT DA: No need. I'm the assistant DA. And the deal's off the table. Better luck next time, Counselor.

BONNIE: I'm sorry Way to go, Riley. I knew I shouldn't have picked you. But no, you're family, it would've been awkward. God, thanks a lot.


The woman leaves, Danny and Ben enters in the room.


RILEY: Danny?

DANNY: Riley?

RILEY: What are you doing here?

DANNY: Um I uh, we… Ben?

BEN: We were just payin' some parking tickets.

RILEY: You don't have a car.

BEN: We just signed up for a ride-along.

RILEY: Danny's afraid of sirens.

DANNY: You said you wouldn't tell anyone.

BEN: Okay, fine, the truth is, we came to see Brad, and support you and Mom.

RILEY: Well, that's an obvious lie, but whatever you're doing, I'm sure it's Ben's fault. Come on, Mrs.

Wheeler, we need a whole new plan.


Bonnie and Riley leave, Tucker comes in to pay the caution.


TUCKER: Soliciting a prostitute? Well done, boys, you owe me bail money.

BEN: We were just trying to get information, not sex.

DANNY: Though I feel like you were maybe considering it.

BEN: Is it a crime to ask what's on the menu?

DANNY: Well, we're in jail, so I'm gonna go with yes.

BEN: How were we supposed to know she was an undercover cop?

TUCKER: Oh, my God. You are never gonna give up on this, are you?

BEN: No. Never. Not happening. Zero chance in hell. You know why? Because I'm right.

TUCKER: Okay, you know what? I'll play. I'm gonna prove to you both that Kiki is not a prostitute.

BEN: I don't suppose that means you want me to have sex with her and see if she charges me? Just throwin' it out there.




Danny don’t want to do this anymore.


BEN: What's wrong with you?

DANNY:  I can't do it again. The first time I got the wrong girl, the second time we got arrested. Let's face it, I'm no good at pickin' up prostitutes.

TUCKER: Look, you will be fine. Okay? As soon as you sit down, I'll text her that I have to cancel, at which point she will undoubtedly get up and walk out of the bar.

BEN: Yeah, with Danny and his cold hard cash. Now you get out there and pick up a pro, bro.




Bonnie is ready to make fire on this.


BONNIE: Okay, you've burnt down a house, a forest, and a summer camp. What's one lousy little storage locker?

RILEY: Mrs. Wheeler, what are you doing?

BONNIE: No evidence, no conviction.

RILEY: Oh You can't do that. It's arson. It will ruin your life. Also, can't you ever just shred something? Why is burning always your go-to?

BONNIE: But I love him.

RILEY: I know. Please don't hate me for saying this, but are you sure he's worth it? It shouldn't be this hard.

BONNIE: Neither is choosing between Ben and Danny, but Lord knows that decision baffled you for 20 years.

RILEY: I'm just saying maybe it's time you do what you do best, only think about yourself.

BONNIE: Do you really think I should just walk away?

RILEY: Mrs. Wheeler, I know you thought you would never find love again after everything that happened with your ex-husband, but you are a vibrant woman with a lot of mi life left in you. You shouldn't have to rot away alongside Brad.

BONNIE: Well, it seems pretty dicey to trust somebody who'd make the choice to cut their hair like that, but (sighs) you might be right. Maybe there just is no happy ending for us.

RILEY: But it's not too late for you to have your happy ending. Do you smell smoke?


(The fire starting)

BONNIE: Oh, God. Okay, all right, run. Run, this is like Camp Winnataki all over again. Go! Go, go, go, go, go. Amateur. You're welcome!




Danny approaches Kiki.


DANNY: Hello, there. I'm a businessman from out of town. How are you?

KIKI: Uninterested.

DANNY: Really? Because, working in business as I do can get very lonely. The only thing keeping me company right now is my pocket full of cold hard cash.

(Tucker sends a message, Kiki’s phone vibrates)

KIKI: Well, maybe we can be lonely together. Seems my night just opened up.


TUCKER: Why's she still talking to him, what is he saying?

BEN: Well, if he's been paying attention, hopefully it's about having sex for money.


DANNY: So, you think you wanna have some fun? And you know what I mean by "fun?"

KIKI: I know. So are you staying nearby?

DANNY:  Just so we're clear, you only wanna have sex with me because I'm going to pay you. Right?

KIKI: Yes. It's 500 for the hour.

DANNY: Oh, my God. You are a hooker. Guys. She is a real hooker! I can't believe it. I mean, honestly, I didn't think so, but Ben was so sure of it and Tucker refused to believe it, wow. A real life hooker, it is so nice to meet you.

KIKI: Tucker, what the hell is going on?

TUCKER: Kiki, I am so sorry. Okay, these idiots are convinced that you're a hooker, and I'm just tryin' to prove to them that you could never do that.

KIKI: Why not? It's a business, just like everything else.

TUCKER: Wait, so you are a hooker?

KIKI: Yes. But I wasn't when I was with you. I really liked you. I was hoping that we could have a real relationship. Something I don't get very often. Bye, Tucker.

(She leaves)

BEN: Yes. What did I say? I told you guys, but no, nobody believed me. I was being ridiculous. Well, who's ridiculous now?

TUCKER: Congratulations, Ben. You know, just tell me one thing. Were you doing this because you wanted to be a good friend, or just because you wanted to be right?

BEN: Oh, I get it, you're just tryin' to make me feel bad. Oh, crap, now I feel bad.




Bonnie comes to put an end on her relationship with Brad.


BONNIE: I burned most of the evidence. Not my usual breakup gift, but the conjugal visit trailer was booked up for weeks.

RILEY: You sure you're ready to do this?

BONNIE: I am. Game face, Bonnie. Stay strong. Stay strong.


BONNIE: Brad, we need to talk.

BRAD: Bonnie, they're gonna keep me in this cage for years.

BONNIE: Yeah, that's what I wanted to talk to you about.

BRAD: The pain and suffering is going to be immeasurable.

BONNIE: Well, at least for one of us.

BRAD: You have to let me go. I can't let my choices affect the woman that I love more than I ever loved myself.

BONNIE: Wait. What? You love me more than you love yourself? But you love you so much.

BRAD: I know. And that is why I am setting you free, Bon-Bon.

RILEY: Well, there you go, you wanna share a cab?

BONNIE: No. No, I'm not going anywhere. You are my husband, and I love you, and I will wait for you. Even if it takes forever. Because I love you more than you love you, too.

RILEY: That's why you're gonna be the pride of the family, the bar is low.




Ben wanted to talk with Kiki.


BEN: Kiki, hey. Thank you so much for coming. You know, I feel terrible about how everything went down between you and Tucker, and I have a proposition for you.

KIKI: Not for all the money in the world.

BEN: No. No, no, no, no, no, not me. Although, that sort of hurts my feelings. Listen. I didn't realize how much Tucker really liked you. So, do you think you would consider calling him and saying you were just pretending to be a hooker because you knew what we were up to, and were just messin' with us?

KIKI: I don't think I'm comfortable lying.

BEN: Oh, but you're comfortable with Never mind, never mind. I'll admit to him I was wrong, and then maybe you guys could go out a couple more times, and just break up normally? I mean, he never makes it past three dates anyway.

KIKI: I guess I would be up for that.

BEN: Really? That's awesome. Wow. Look at that. A hooker with a heart of gold.

KIKI: Those don't exist. It's gonna cost you $500.

BEN: Huh. Cash best friend. Cash best friend. Ca… This might take a while.




Ben and Emma eat sprinkles in the middle of the night again. Tucker comes in with a girl.


BEN: Well, here we are again, Bad Dad waking you up in the middle of the night for a snack.

TUCKER: Welcome.

BEN: Really?

TUCKER: Okay, this is Natalia, she's a librarian, she lives in Brooklyn, originally from Yonkers, she has a sister named Jody and a cat named Sprinkle.

BEN: Well, what about

TUCKER: I don't wanna hear it.

BEN: Well, what about Kiki, didn't she call you?

TUCKER: No, why would she do that? I don't even wanna talk to her. I kind of got my hands full, man.

BEN: Let this be a life lesson, Emma. Always get a receipt.


End of the episode.

Ecrit par stella

Kikavu ?

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natas  (26.03.2017 à 09:26)

quel horreur !

c'est qui cette morale qu'on ne peux pas avoir de relation avec une prostituée?

et qu'on peux brûler des preuves... je vois pas trop ou va mener la relation Bonnie-Brad.

super déçu.. heureusement Emma est au top.


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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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