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#601 : To Elle & Back

Ecrit par: Heidi Clements

Réalisateur: Micheal Lembeck

Trois mois ont passé depuis le final et Ben cherche toujours avec enthousiasme la mystérieuse Elle. Danny et Riley recherchent un bon docteur pour l'aider avec sa grossesse and Bonnie veut désespérément être impliquée. Tucker est de retour de Los Angeles mais il refuse de révéler ce qu'il s'est passé là-bas.



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Promo: Own Your Happy (vo)

Promo: Own Your Happy (vo)


Promo: Happy People (vo)

Promo: Happy People (vo)


Sneak Peek 1 (vo)

Sneak Peek 1 (vo)


Sneak Peek 2 (vo)

Sneak Peek 2 (vo)


Scène Tucker/Ben au bar (vo)

Scène Tucker/Ben au bar (vo)


Ben et Tucker parlent de "cookies" (vo)

Ben et Tucker parlent de "cookies" (vo)


Riley et Danny au rendez-vous (vo)

Riley et Danny au rendez-vous (vo)


Scène Bonnie/Brad

Scène Bonnie/Brad


Photos promo

Ben et Emma regarde Tucker qui déprime

Ben et Emma regarde Tucker qui déprime

Bonnie chez le gynécologue

Bonnie chez le gynécologue

Tucker parle à Emma

Tucker parle à Emma

Brad et Bonnie parle à Danny

Brad et Bonnie parle à Danny

Bonnie explique quelque chose à Riley et Danny

Bonnie explique quelque chose à Riley et Danny

Ben et Tucker parle à Brad

Ben et Tucker parle à Brad

Danny lit un livre sur les bébés

Danny lit un livre sur les bébés

Ben arrive et voit Tucker et Emma jouer à la dinette

Ben arrive et voit Tucker et Emma jouer à la dinette

Brad, Bonnie et Danny

Brad, Bonnie et Danny

Ben montre une photo à une conquête

Ben montre une photo à une conquête

Brad et Bonnie

Brad et Bonnie

Bonnie attend le médecin

Bonnie attend le médecin

Bonnie arrive sur un moment émotionel de Riley et Danny

Bonnie arrive sur un moment émotionel de Riley et Danny

Danny crie sur le médecin

Danny crie sur le médecin

Brad et Bonnie expliquent quelque chose à Danny

Brad et Bonnie expliquent quelque chose à Danny

Brad félicite Danny

Brad félicite Danny

Ben découvre quelque chose

Ben découvre quelque chose

Ben, Tucker et Emma

Ben, Tucker et Emma

Tucker verse de l'alcool dans ses céréales

Tucker verse de l'alcool dans ses céréales

Ben et sa conquête

Ben et sa conquête

Riley crie sur Danny

Riley crie sur Danny

Riley et Danny se disputent

Riley et Danny se disputent

Danny joue avec les instruments d'échographie du médecin

Danny joue avec les instruments d'échographie du médecin


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 13.03.2017 à 20:30
0.61m / 0.3% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Riley et Danny sont chez la gynéco et attendent qu’elle arrive. Danny essaye l’appareil pour regarder le ventre des futurs mamans et plaisante sur le fait qu’il porte un burrito. Cela ne fait pas rire Riley et commence à lui montrer à quel point elle peut être énervée lorsqu’il est comme ça. Danny réplique qu’il va chercher la gynéco.

Alors que Danny est parti, Riley essaye l’appareil sur son ventre et est prise en flagrant délit lorsque Danny revient dans la pièce. Il apprend que le docteur Hasting est dans un monde meilleur. Riley est déçue de savoir que son docteur a changé d’hôpital. Danny répond qu’elle est décédée.

Ben et Emma reviennent du pressing. Tucker est dans l’appartement en train de manger des céréales à la bière. Ben trouve cela pathétique le comportement de Tucker, ne sachant pas pourquoi il est revenu de LA. Il trouvera bien un autre job à New York. Tucker, pour sa défense, critique Ben de rechercher la fille qu’il a aperçue 3 fois depuis 3 mois. Mais Ben lui dit que c’est la femme de sa vie. Il décrit la fille mais se trompe à chaque fois dans la description de son physique. Emma le corrige à chaque fois. Ben reçoit une notification comme quoi quelqu’un a répondu à son annonce de recherche sur un site. Il pense que c’est la fille qui la retrouvé.

Riley et Danny reviennent du rendez-vous. Riley est toujours sous le choc de la mort de sa gynéco. Elle se demande ce qu’elle va faire maintenant. Danny réplique qu’il est pour elle mais elle répond bien qu’elle est toute seule dans son cas. Elle ne veut surtout pas que Bonnie sache pour son gynéco sinon elle voudra s’investir encore plus. Danny annonce que sa mère et Brad vont partir 1 an voyager à l’étranger. Riley commence à pleurer de joie à cause des hormones.

Bonnie arrive en trompe des escaliers. Elle fait une remarque à Riley et celle-ci entre dans son appartement. De ce fait, Bonnie demande à Danny de garder son passeport afin qu’elle ne puisse pas partir à l’étranger avec Brad. Elle prétexte vouloir prendre soin de Riley pendant sa grossesse. Le premier enfant, c’est important. Au fil de la discussion, Danny annonce que le médecin de Riley est décédé. Bonnie informe Dany d’aller voir le Docteur Marsh, son gynéco. Bonnie s’empresse de rentrer dans l’appartement des garçons et Brad arrive. Il demande à Danny se convaincre sa mère de partir avec lui en voyage.

Ben et Tucker attende que la fille arrive au bar pour le rendez-vous. Ben voit une fille arrivé en pensant que c’est elle mais Emma dit que non. Quelques secondes après, il reçoit un message comme quoi elle est arrivée. Ben est confus que la fille se soit trompée sur son annonce. Tucker dit à Ben qu’il n’a pas de raison de repousser cette fille qui est très jolie. Ben dit pourquoi pas et va à la rencontre de la jeune femme.

Danny joue à un jeu vidéo dans l’appart des garçons. Brad et Bonnie entrent et fond chacun pression sur Danny pour lui faire dire ce qu’ils veulent. Danny est prêt à céder à la pression quand Riley entre à son tour dans la pièce. Elle remercie Danny d’avoir pris un rendez-vous avec ce nouveau gynéco. Bonnie ne comprend pas pourquoi il n’a pas appelé le sien alors qu’en réalité c’est le cas mais Riley ne le sait pas. Ils s’en vont rapidement.

Ben vient de coucher avec Olivia, la fille venue au bar. Il prend ses clés sur la table à chevet et voit une photo de 3 filles dans un cadre. Ben reconnait la fameuse fille qu’il recherche désespérément. Olivia lui dit que c’est Amanda et L quelque chose avec elle sur la photo. Ben demande si elle n’habite pas très loin mais Olivia que si. Mais elle travaille au magasin de lingerie sur l’avenue A. Ben se précipite de partir pour enquêter de nouveau.

Tucker a expliqué à Emma ce qui s’est passé à Los Angeles. Ben arrive et annonce qu’il l’a retrouvé, la fille. Tucker demande si Olivia va l’aider à la voir, Ben dit que non puisse qu’il a couché avec elle. Ben compte bien chercher la fameuse Amanda pour l’aider.

Riley et Danny sont à leur rendez-vous chez le gynéco. Le docteur dit que cela va être un gros bébé. Il sort et Riley commence à passer ses nerfs sur Danny. Il préfère s’éclipser et parler avec le docteur. Dans le couloir, Danny commence à parler mais il entend sa mère et se cache. Après être parti, il demande au docteur de ne rien dire à Bonnie Wheeler, étant Danny Wheeler. Il ne veut pas qu’il est venu aujourd’hui, ce sera leur secret. Par la suite, le docteur March se rend dans une autre pièce et retrouve Bonnie. Elle s’excuse de ne pas être venue plus tôt mais maintenant elle est mariée à un homme plus jeune qu’elle. Le docteur, après la conversation avec Danny, pense que Danny est son mari et a mis une femme enceinte.

Brad et Tucker sont en train de déprimer sur le canapé. Ben entre dans l’appart et annonce qu’il a rencontré Amanda, l’autre fille et touche presque son but. Amanda l’a invité à une soirée barbecue organisé le soir même et dans laquelle L sera présente également. Tucker demande si elle va le présenter à la mystérieuse L mais Ben dit qu’il a aussi couché avec Amanda. Tucker demande alors comment il va faire pour l’aborder. Ben demande alors à Brad et Tucker de l’accompagner et draguer Olivia et Amanda pour lui laisser le champ libre.

Bonnie raconte la nouvelle à Riley et Danny au Bar & B. Danny pense que cela ne correspond pas à Brad. Il ne l’a jamais menti. Bonnie regarde une application et pense que oui puisqu’il n’est pas là où devrait être. Riley la réconforte en lui expliquant que Brad l’aime et ce qu’ils ont est tellement spécial que pour elle et Danny ils sont un exemple de couple heureux. Ils devraient faire ce voyage ensemble comme Brad le veut. Riley annonce qu’ils vont retrouver Brad à sa localisation.

A la soirée barbecue, Ben redonne ses dernières directives à Brad et Tucker. Tucker s’approche d’Amanda pour la draguer et Brad va vers Olivia. Tucker a du mal à se faire imposant et Brad parle de sa femme. Il pense que des fois, il a un GPS sur lui. C’est là que Bonnie débarque avec Riley et Danny et commence à insulter Olivia qu’elle pense être la fille enceinte de son mari.

Brad ne comprend pas et affirme qu’il n’a mis personne enceinte. Olivia confirme en disant qu’elle sort avec Ben. Bonnie pense que son fils couvre Brad dans son manège et Danny redit que c’est lui qui a mis une fille enceinte. Danny dit à Riley que le docteur March est également celui de sa mère mais il ne voulait pas qu’elle soit énervée par cela. Il pense que c’est le meilleur docteur pour elle et il veut qu’elle soit suivie par le meilleur. Il annonce également à Brad que sa mère ne veut pas partir et préfère être là pour la naissance de son autre petit enfant. Bonie confirme et propose un long weekend en amoureux à la place d’un long voyage. Tout le monde se prend dans les bras.

Amanda et Olivia confronte Ben sur ses actes. Ben explique qu’il veut absolument rencontrer la fameuse L et en a profité de se rapprocher d’elles pour arriver à son but. Amanda explique que son prénom est Elle comme le pronom. Elle veut vit plus ici depuis 1 mois. Ben ne compte pas en rester là. Il demande si elles vont quand même lui passer un numéro ou une adresse mais elles lui jettent leur verre à la figure. Il ne compte pas lâcher l’affaire et s’en va triomphant.

Quelques secondes plus tard, Elle rejoint Amanda et Olivia. Elle demande si elle a loupé quelque chose, Amanda répond que non.  Le reste de la bande est assis sur le salon de jardin situé au milieu. Bonnie demande si au final ils connaissent quelqu’un dans le lot et répondent que non. Bonnie demande de prendre l’alcool et la bouffe et s’en vont.

Ben demande une fois de plus à Tucker ce qui s’est passé à Los Angeles. Tucker ne veut rien lui dire. Il demande à Emma si Tucker lui a raconté et répond que oui. Mais elle ne compte pas lui révéler et compte bien faire chanter Tucker par la suite avec cette info. Ben n’a jamais été aussi fier de sa fille.

Fin de l’épisode.

Ecrit par stella



Riley and Danny waiting the doctor. Danny put the thing on his belly. She is pissed of.


DANNY: Oh, my God! There he is, and he's huge. You gotta admit, that's a big burrito.

RILEY: Danny, do you remember this morning when you said I've been "edgy" for the last two months, and if I don't calm down, I'll never make it through the next? First of all, honey, your math is off. And second, you're about to see the next level of edgy if you don't stop messing around. Because if we get thrown out of here and I lose my doctor, I will rain down a level of edge on you you never even knew existed. Doctor Hastings and I have been planning the birth of my first child since I was a little girl, and she is the only woman who can deliver this baby. So if I lose my doctor, I lose my mind. And if I lose my mind Well, I think we both know how that goes, Danny. Don't we? Don't we?

DANNY: I think so. I'll go find the doctor.

RILEY: Yeah, good idea.

(Danny leaves the room, Riley tries the machine on her belly. Danny comes back)

RILEY: I swallowed a penny when I was six and I wanted to see if it was still there. Where's the doctor?

DANNY: Honey, Dr. Hastings has gone to a better place.

RILEY: She switched hospitals? She didn't even tell me.

DANNY: Well, she's dead, so she probably didn't have time to call.






Ben comes in with Emma. Tucker is here.


BEN: I'm just saying, if you're gonna call someone fat, you've gotta use your inside voice. "Oh! Oh, come to LA. It's amazing. Oh, oh. Oh, LA?" More like Hell-A!

BEN: Oh, look, Uncle Tucker's getting snap, crackle, drunk for breakfast again.

TUCKER: Yeah, well there's no reason to be sober when you've got nowhere to go. I've got nowhere to go, man.

BEN: You'll find another job, dude. Come on, just tell me what happened in LA. Was it that bad?

TUCKER: No. No, it was amazing. Yeah, I just missed you all so much, I had to come back home. Yes, it was bad!

BEN: Well, you gotta figure something out. You're kind of pathetic.

TUCKER: Hold up. I'm pathetic? How many times have you been to the dry cleaners this week, looking for some girl you saw two months ago for, like, two seconds?

BEN: Zero.

TUCKER: What's that in your hand?

BEN: You owe me 26.50 for your boxers. Light starch.

TUCKER: I bet you don't even know her name.

BEN: Sure, I do. It's Mrs. Ben Wheeler.


BEN: And it wasn't once, it was three times. That has got to mean something.

TUCKER: Not really. No, I ran into Bald Marcia from that weird yogurt kabob place four times yesterday, and I don't want to have sex with her. I bet you don't even remember what she looks like.

BEN: Course I do. She has beautiful red…

EMMA: Brown.

BEN: Brown hair, with piercing green…

EMMA: Blue.

BEN: Blue-green eyes. And is about this…

EMMA: More.

BEN: This tall.

(Phone vibrates)

BEN: Oh, my God, dude. It's her. Emma! It worked! I posted one of those Missed Connections, and she answered! She's been looking for me like I've been looking for her. I think I am gonna wear my favorite black shirt.

EMMA: Blue.

BEN: Favorite blue shirt.




Riley and Danny come back fron the doctor appointment.


RILEY: I mean, how can Dr. Hastings be dead? She was such a vibrant 87. What am I supposed to do now?

DANNY: "We," what are we supposed

RILEY: Not we. Not we. Me. Okay? Only one of us is growing a human being in their uterus and having it yanked out by a stranger in six months.

DANNY: Hey, why don't we just ask my mom for her doc? I mean, she pretty much has the same lady parts. Oh, God, I think I just ruined sex.

RILEY: Danny, you cannot tell your mother that my gyno died. All right? She's already, like, some pregnancy advice faucet that I can't turn off. Yesterday, she told me it's okay to drink because I'm still not showing and no one will know. Okay, you have to promise me that you will keep her away from me.

DANNY: I promise. But she and Brad are leaving in a couple days for their around-the-world tour, so you won't have to deal with it for about a year.

(She starts to cry)

DANNY: Oh, sweetie, are you okay? What's wrong?

RILEY: A year? (crying) I'm just so happy.



Bonnie comes in.


BONNIE: Hey, Riles. I just found the most amazing cream for your nipples.

RILEY: My nipples are fine.

BONNIE: They won't be.

RILEY: Yeah.

BONNIE: Mm-hmm. Yeah.

(Riley enters in her apartment)

BONNIE: Okay, hey. Honey, here. You've got to hide this.

DANNY: Why am I hiding your passport?

BONNIE: Because I'm not going with Brad to Peru or Kathmandu or, or any place ending in "ooh".

DANNY: What are you gonna tell him? He'll be so disappointed.

BONNIE: Which is exactly why you're going to tell him that I can't leave because Riley needs me.

DANNY: I'm not sure she does.

BONNIE: Sweetie, it's her first baby. The first always needs extra attention. The second baby, that's when you can start slacking. Listen, there's gonna be some problems.

DANNY: Oh, there already are. Her lady doc just died. That was a secret.

BONNIE: Why don't you just take her to my guy? Dr. Marsh. So hot. There's nothing like a sexy mechanic working under the hood. Sorry. Anyway, listen. Remember, you and Riley can't live without me. Mm?


Bonnies enters in guy’s apartment. Brad comes in.


BRAD: Danny! Just the person I was looking for. I need you to convince your mom to go away with me. You need to let her know that you and Riley will be perfectly fine here on your own.

DANNY: So that's two "go" and one "stay."

BRAD: Never quite sure you and I are paddling up the same river.




Ben waits for the girl.


BEN: Yes, for the last time, I'll move on if this doesn't work out. But it's gonna work out. Crap, do I have time to work out? Maybe just a couple push-ups?

(A girl enters)

BEN: Is that her? That's not her, is it?


BEN: I knew that.

(Phone vibrates)

BEN: "Hey, I'm here. I just walked in." Aw, man, it's the wrong Missed Connection. Now, what do I do?

TUCKER: Go connect with that girl. She's hot.

BEN: But she's not my girl.

TUCKER: But she could be. Dude, she's obviously single. Right? And as desperate as you are. And she thinks her guy didn't come, so her self-esteem is at an all-time low. Man, even Emma could go in there and get her.

BEN: Tucker, Dry Cleaner Girl and I are gonna be married someday. Which means I should probably get as much as I can before then. Good thinking.

TUCKER: Aw. It's just like how your Daddy met your Mommy. He didn't know her name either.




Danny is here. Bonnie and Brad comes in.


DANNY: Die, die, die! Oh! "The do's and don'ts of diaper rash." This is gonna be fascinating.

BONNIE: Mm-hmm. Ah, pretending to care. You're gonna be a great Dad.

DANNY: I just needed a little break from Riley.

BONNIE: If only there was somebody around who's been through this before, you know, some kind of mother figure who could help.

DANNY: Right, a mother figure, like you. You'd be perfect, Mom.

BRAD: But weren't you just saying what a wonderful idea this trip is and how it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

DANNY: Yes. Yes, I do now recall saying something just like that.

BONNIE: Yeah, yeah. But weren't you also just saying that Riley can't get along without me?

DANNY: That might have come up as well.

BRAD: But this trip is just so important to us.

DANNY: Exactly. You should go.

BONNIE: Really?

BRAD: You heard the man. He said we should go.

BONNIE: Yeah, I heard him say that we should stay.

BRAD: Well, perhaps he's just confused.

BONNIE: How could he be confused? Are you confused, Danny?

(Riley enters)

RILEY: Danny? Danny, hi.

DANNY: Oh, Riley, I missed you.

RILEY: Oh! Okay, guess what? I got an appointment with that doctor you found, the one who treats all the Rangers' wives.

BONNIE: Wait. You didn't take her to my guy?

RILEY: Ew, no.

DANNY: Oh, I can't wait to meet this completely different doctor than my mom's. Let's go. Come on.





Her girl on the bar and Ben just hae sex.


OLIVIA: Well, that's not how I thought this day was gonna turn out.

BEN: Heh. Me neither. But we definitely connected. I mean, I connected first, but then you did too, right?


(Ben look at his keys. He finds them and sees a photo)

BEN: Oh. Oh, my God. It's her!

OLIVIA: Her? Her who?

BEN: Her. The girl, the girl I was just thinking is not as hot as you. Pfft. So, uh Who Who Who's that?

OLIVIA: The one on the left is my friend, Amanda. And the other one, I don't really know. "L" something.

BEN: Well, "L" what? Laura, Lisa, Linda? Man, I had a good Linda once. I had a good Lisa twice. Uh, uh, but the other woman, the one you're friends with, she looks super familiar. Does she live in the neighborhood?

OLIVIA: No. (mouths words) She does work around the corner, though.

BEN: (mouths word) Right, uh, at the place next to the other place.

OLIVIA: The lingerie store on "A."

BEN: That's it. Heh! I I go there all the time. With my mom. We got a weird, uh Hey, I'll talk to you later.




Tucker discusses with Emma.


TUCKER: Obviously I had to leave LA. Right? You would have done the same thing if that happened to you. Thank you, Dr. Emma.

(Ben comes in)

BEN: I found her! Yeah, I know.

TUCKER: I was there. No. No, no, no. Not that her. The original her. The dry-cleaner- scooter-taxi her. This her. I found this at Olivia's house. The girl from the bar. Well, found, stole semantics.

TUCKER: Dude, this is great. Is Olivia gonna help you find her?

BEN: Well, probably not, since we just had sex.

TUCKER: Hello, baby.

BEN: Oh, I just told her it's another word for cookie. It's all right. But all I gotta do is find this chick Amanda who will lead me to my chick. My chick. Oh, my God. That sounds so romantic. This is her, right?

EMMA: Yes.

TUCKER: Wait. What about the girl you just had cookies with?

BEN: Well, obviously I'm not gonna see her again. Come on, man. I have a girlfriend now. I can't cheat on "L" something.




RILEY: Oh, my God. Is that the heartbeat? That's the heartbeat. There's a baby in there!

DANNY: He's just like my burrito. Except we made this together.

DOCTOR MARCH: Well, I will tell you one thing. You won't forget this birth.

RILEY: I know. First one's always the most exciting, right?

DR MARCH: No, I mean it's probably going to split you from tip to tail. It's gonna be huge. So you can say goodbye to this bod.

(He leaves the room)

RILEY: What have you done to me?

DANNY: All right, it's gonna be okay. Just keep breathing. I'm gonna go talk to the doctor about his bedside manner.




Danny wants to talk with him.


DANNY: Hey, Doc. Can I talk to you for a sec?

(Bonnie is near talking with a nurse)

BONNIE: By the way, last time I had a pretty quick breast exam. Tell the doctor to take his time today. Oh.

DANNY: Hey, Dr. Marsh. Great stuff in there, by the way, but I got a quick heads up for you.

DR MARCH: How can I help?

DANNY: Bonnie Wheeler is also a patient of yours, and, well, I'm Danny Wheeler. And my girlfriend, Riley, would "rain down a level of edge" I didn't even know existed if she finds out that both of them are seeing the same doctor. "And we both know how that goes. Don't we, Danny? Don't we?" Oh, heh. Sorry, Doc. That's sort of my big little secret.

DR MARCH: Yeah, I can see the problem.

DANNY: Oh, thanks, Doc. You might have just saved my life.




BONNIE: What up, Doc?

DR MARCH: Bonnie. How've you been?

BONNIE: Tee-rrific. Sorry I haven't been here in a while, but I got married. I know. I know, we used to kind of have a thing.

DR MARCH: Did we?

BONNIE: We could have. Anyway, he's much younger than me and he gets very jealous.

DR MARCH: Yeah, Bonnie, we need to talk.

BONNIE: All right. Oh.

DR MARCH: Your husband was just here.

BONNIE: Mm-hmm?

DR MARCH: And I think he got another woman pregnant.





RILEY: That's weird. That sounded just like your mom.




BRAD: Oddly enough, that is how Bonnie and I learned that we are allergic to latex.

TUCKER: Yo, can we just watch TV, man?

BEN: I did it! I am one step closer to finding Dry Cleaner Girl.

TUCKER: Some chick he's never met but is in love with.

BRAD: Yeah. That sounds so romantic.

BEN: Her name is Amanda and she's best friends with "L" something.

TUCKER: Oh, so you told her you're in love with her friend?

BEN: Well, I meant to, but it would have been super awkward after we just had sex.

TUCKER: You had sex with her too?

BEN: Yeah. And if I have to, I'll have sex with another 100 girls to get to my girl. Huh.

BRAD: So, not romantic at all.

TUCKER: Yeah, man, you might want to leave that part out when you finally meet her.

BEN: Which I will be doing tonight because Amanda just invited me to a barbecue that "L" something will be at. Fate apparently has my back.

TUCKER: And what's gonna happen when you see her?

BEN: Oh, good question. I mean, a handshake seems super cold considering we are gonna be married one day and probably move to Connecticut with our dog, Dude, Emma, and our three boys Bennie, Benjamin, and Benzo. So I guess I'll go with a hug?

TUCKER: Yeah, I meant what do you think Amanda is going to do since she invited you to be her date?

BRAD: Good point, Tuck. Back to you, Ben.

BEN: Right. Oh! I know. Why don't you come with me and hit on Amanda? She's kind of a sure thing.

TUCKER: Wait, wait, wait. What about the girl who led you to Amanda? What if she's there?

BEN: Aw, damn it. I forgot about Olivia.

BRAD: Olivia! I knew an Olivia once. Trapeze artist. She used to swing me from Please don't tell your mother.

BEN: Oh, this is perfect. Why don't you come and take care of Olivia if she becomes a problem.

BRAD: I love you, son. But I don't think I should kill for you.




Bonnie complains about Brad to Riley and Danny.


BONNIE: And he took her to my doctor. My doctor. How could he get another woman pregnant?

RILEY: Well, there's gotta be another explanation. That doesn't sound like our Brad at all. He would never lie to you.

BONNIE: Hm. Oh, really? Then what's he doing in Brooklyn when he said that he was at a golf course in Jersey? I had him chipped like a dog the day I met him.

RILEY: I didn't know you could do that.

BONNIE: I got a guy. Ironically his name is Chip.

RILEY: Okay. All right, you know what we are doing? We are going to Brooklyn to get to the bottom of this. All right, you and Brad need to stay together so you can go on your super long trip to all those wonderful places where there's no Wi-Fi, or reception, or any other means of communicating with the outside world. What you two have is so special. You're an inspiration to us. And Mrs. Wheeler, your happiness is just it's everything to Danny and me.


RILEY (to Danny): Too far?

DANNY: I wasn't listening.




Ben explains his plan.


BEN: All right, huddle up, boys. See, this is why we don't play sports on the weekends. Okay. I think we're gonna need to divide and conquer. Because so far, there have been no "L" something sightings. Ooh! That's Amanda. Tucker, get to flirting.

(He goes away)

BRAD: Okay. How can I help? I am ready to flirt.

BEN: Send me in, Coach. Start discreetly asking around about Olivia.

BRAD: (shouts) Olivia!

BEN: Discreet!

BRAD: (whispers) Right. Olivia! Where are you?


Tucker approaches Amanda.


TUCKER: Hey there. Man, I know this was a barbecue, but nobody told me that there'd be honey biscuits. I'm Tucker.

(She says anything)

TUCKER: Maybe you didn't hear me. I'm Tucker. Oh, that's how it's gonna be?

AMANDA: Do we know each other?

TUCKER: We could, but you keep playing.


Brad talks with Olivia on a banch.


BRAD: Ah, here she is, my blushing bride. I swear, I'm the luckiest man alive.

OLIVIA: Aw! That is so sweet. I think I just met someone really special, too.

BRAD: Aw, sweetie. I just told you I have a wife.

OLIVIA: Look, I just started seeing someone.


TUCKER: It's fine. No skin off my back. I didn't have to come over here and talk to you. I'm only doing a friend a favour who pretty much guaranteed me that you were a sure thing.

AMANDA: Excuse me?

TUCKER: I've said too much.


BRAD: She knows me so well. Sometimes I think she's got a GPS planted in me.


Bonnie, Riley and Danny come in.


BONNIE: Aha! Yeah. I caught you with your hand in the skank jar.

BRAD: Bon-Bon, what are you doing here?

BONNIE: Busting you with your "who-er."

OLIVIA: Excuse me?

BONNIE: Oh, you heard me. What are you, like, four? Five months pregnant?

OLIVIA: Uh, look, I don't know who any of you people are, but I'm not pregnant and I happen to have a new boyfriend. I'm dating Ben Wheeler.

BONNIE: You're dating my son and my husband? Even I wouldn't do that.

BRAD: You had sex with my dad.

BONNIE: Are you ever gonna let that go?

AMANDA: Olivia, did you just say you're dating Ben Wheeler?

OLIVIA: Yeah. Why?

AMANDA: Because I just started dating Ben Wheeler.

DANNY: Wow! Looks like Ben screwed everyone's lives up again. Classic Ben. Let's go, babe.

BEN: Danny, what are you doing here? Oh, hey, Olivia. Amanda. I didn't realize, um I'm just going to, um I'm so thirsty.

BONNIE: I see what's going on here.

BEN: You do?

BONNIE: Yeah. You're covering up for your dad.

BRAD: Bonnie, I swear. I didn't' get anyone pregnant.

DANNY: I did!

(Riley pushes him)

DANNY: Oh! Ow. You! I got you pregnant. And Dr. Marsh is my mom's doc. I lied to you because I knew he was a good doctor, and I wanted you to have the best because you're carrying our baby and I love you. Brad, Mom doesn't want to go away for a year. She already missed one grandchild being born, she doesn't want to miss another.

BRAD: Is this true? You don't want to leave?

BONNIE: Look, honey, I love you. But I am not a rough-it kind of a gal. Okay? And instead of a year how about we just go away for a long weekend? Oh. Oh, and, honey, thanks for trying to help. I'm sorry I put so much pressure on you.

RILEY: Yeah. I'm sorry too. Come on.


(Group hug)


BEN: Ooh, look, everyone's happy now. Let's go.

OLIVIA: Not so fast, Wheeler. Isn't there something you wanna say?

BEN: All right, I'll try the truth. Uh, look I ran into this girl a few months ago. "L" something.

AMANDA: Her name is Elle, you idiot. E-L-L-E.

BEN: No way! Elle. That's perfect. Okay, fine. I'm a dog. I slept with you, and you, and I think her a long time ago. But we had some fun, right? And it wasn't all my fault. I mean, you were a little desperate and you are very flirty. And the bottom line is, I did who I had to do to get to Elle. And I'll do it again. Let's hug it out?

(They throws water on his face)


OLIVIA: Elle doesn't live here anymore.

AMANDA: She moved away last month.

BEN: Right. I don't suppose you'd give me her number? Or her address? No?

OLIVIA: Absolutely not.

BEN: Okay. You know what? I'm gonna find her. I have to. 'Cause we're meant to be. I'm out.

BONNIE: That's the alley, that's the alley.

BEN: Aw, come on.


Ben leaves, Elle comes in from another side.


ELLE: Oh, hey, guys.

AMANDA: Oh, Elle, when did you get here?

ELLE: Oh, just a few minutes ago. Why? Did I miss anything?

OLIVIA: Let's just say you dodged a bullet.


The Wheelers are sitting in chair on the garden.


BONNIE: We don't actually know anyone here, do we?


BONNIE: You grab the booze, you grab the snacks. Go, go. Go, go, go.




Ben tries to let Tucker speak about LA.


BEN: Come on, just give me a hint about LA. Was it embarrassing? Can I find it on the Internet? Do you need help burying a body?

TUCKER: Like I will never tell you.

BEN: He told you, didn't he?

EMMA: Yes.

BEN: How bad is it?

EMMA: Bad.

BEN: Are you gonna tell me?


BEN: Are you gonna save it to blackmail Tucker later?

EMMA: Yes.

BEN: I've never been so proud.


End of the episode.

Ecrit par stella

Kikavu ?

Au total, 16 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

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stella  (14.03.2017 à 19:34)

Eh oui la série en est déjà à une saison 6. Bientot le 100ème épisode qui arrive également.

Les jumelles grandissent vite. Emma est trop chou dans cet épisode.

natas  (14.03.2017 à 19:15)

On est déjà à la saison 6??

Emma est trop chou !


Merci aux 2 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

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