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#101 : Pilot

Ecrit par: Dan Berendsen

Réalisateur: Michael Lembeck

Ben Wheeler, un barman de 20 ans, est surpris quand Emma, un bébé, est laissée devant sa porte d'appartement par Angela, son ex-petite amie. Il obtient l'aide de sa mère, de son colocataire Tucker et de sa meilleure amie Riley Perrin et de son frère Danny Wheeler. Quand Angela revient et livre les papiers d'adoption, Ben refuse de les signer. Il veut garder le bébé et l'élever.



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Extrait 1: That's Riley (vo)

Extrait 1: That's Riley (vo)


Extrait 2: Riley aime Ben (vo)

Extrait 2: Riley aime Ben (vo)


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Danny(Derek Theler) montre Emma a Riley (Chelsea Kane)

Danny(Derek Theler) montre Emma a Riley (Chelsea Kane)

Bonnie Wheeler (Melissa Peterman)

Bonnie Wheeler (Melissa Peterman)

Bonnie Wheeler (Melissa Peterman) tient Emma sur ses genoux assis dans le canapé

Bonnie Wheeler (Melissa Peterman) tient Emma sur ses genoux assis dans le canapé

Emma Wheeler dans son Cosy

Emma Wheeler dans son Cosy

Ben Wheeler (Jean-Luc Bilodeau) change la couche d'Emma

Ben Wheeler (Jean-Luc Bilodeau) change la couche d'Emma

Ben Wheeler regarde Emma sa fille dans son cosy.

Ben Wheeler regarde Emma sa fille dans son cosy.

Bonnie donne Emma dans les bras de Tucker

Bonnie donne Emma dans les bras de Tucker

Bonnie Wheeler tient Emma et discutent avec Ben et Tucker

Bonnie Wheeler tient Emma et discutent avec Ben et Tucker

Ben Wheeler (Jean-Luc Bilodeau) tient Emma à bout de bras

Ben Wheeler (Jean-Luc Bilodeau) tient Emma à bout de bras

Danny Wheeler et Riley Perrin discutent au bar

Danny Wheeler et Riley Perrin discutent au bar

Danny Wheeler donne le biberon à Emma devant Riley Perrin

Danny Wheeler donne le biberon à Emma devant Riley Perrin

Danny Wheeler (Derek Theler) porte Emma sur ses genoux

Danny Wheeler (Derek Theler) porte Emma sur ses genoux

Bonnie Wheeler (Melissa Peterman) tient Emma sur ses genoux assis dans le canapé

Bonnie Wheeler (Melissa Peterman) tient Emma sur ses genoux assis dans le canapé


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 20.06.2012 à 20:30
1.65m / 0.7% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Danny, le frère de Ben, est de retour en ville et vient habiter avec son frère. Ben lui fait la présentation de l’appartement. Tucker arrive peu de temps après avec le gros sac de Danny. Ben est content, il est avec son meilleur ami et son frère, rien ne peut les arrêter. Ca frappe à la porte, Ben ouvre et il découvre un bébé devant sa porte.

Les garçons essayent de savoir qui a déposé le bébé devant sa porte. Danny remarque un mot et annonce que le bébé s’appelle Emma. La mère de l’enfant est Angela. Ben et Tucker se rappellent de qui était Angela, une belle actrice. Le mot dit également que la mère a besoin de temps. Quelqu’un frappe à la porte et Ben pense que c’est Angela qui vient récupérer sa fille.

En fait, c’est Riley, une amie d’enfance. Danny l’a appelé pour qu’elle les aide avec le bébé. Ben remarque à quel point elle a changé, elle est beaucoup plus belle et maigre qu’avant. Elle fait des études de droit maintenant. Riley remarque le bébé et commence à la prendre dans ses bras. Après quelques minutes, Emma commence à pleurer et Riley fouille dans le sac qui était avec Emma et s’aperçoit qu’il manque des choses pour bébé. Elle demande donc à un des garçons d’aller au supermarché acheter les choses. Egalement, il faut changer la couche d’Emma mais les garçons ne veulent pas. Ben et Tucker sont les plus rapides pour aller au supermarché.

Riley a changé la couche d’Emma et demande à Danny de la tenir dans ses bras. Il n’ose pas la prendre de peur de la blesser. Danny n’est pas à l’aise avec Emma dans les bras.

Au supermarché, les garçons ne savent pas trop quoi prendre pour le bébé. Une femme les interpelle et leur demande quel âge a le bébé. Ben et Tucker font le calcul et réalisent qu’Emma a trois mois. La femme enlève tous les produits du caddie qui ne sont pas adaptés pour le bébé.

A l’appartement, Danny donne le biberon à Emma. Riley dit que Ben devrait un test de paternité et commence à parler de lui. Danny se rend compte que Riley en pince pour Ben depuis le début. Riley nie. Ben et Tucker sont de retour du magasin. Riley demande à un des garçons de porter Emma pour qu’elle fasse son rot puis elle s’en va. Danny la retient et Ben demande à ce qu’elle reste. Danny lui fait comprendre qu’il dira pour Ben si elle part. Riley décide de rester pour la soirée. Emma a fait son rot et a craché sur le pull de Tucker.

Le lendemain, Ben part au travail comme si de rien n’était. Danny et Tucker lui demande ce qu’il fait. Au final, Danny se retrouve seul à surveiller le bébé. Au travail, Ben impressionne Riley en jouant avec les shakers et les bouteilles. Ben dit que Riley sait ce qu’elle veut dans la vie contrairement à lui. La discussion met fin quand il reçoit un message indiquant qu’Angela est passée à l’appartement. Ben revient et lit le mot donné par la mère de l’enfant. Elle demande à ce que Ben renonce à ses droits de père pour mettre Emma à l’adoption.

Le groupe s’est réuni et Ben est d’accord pour signer les papiers. Quelqu’un frappe à la porte et c’est Bonnie, la mère de Danny et Ben. Elle est toute contente d’avoir une petite-fille. Ben est contrarié que Danny l’ait appelé. Mais il dit que ce n’est pas lui, il ne lui a même pas dit qu’il était revenu. Bonnie prend Emma dans ses bras et Ben dit qu’il va signer les papiers. Bonnie demande quel papier et Tucker explique. Bonnie est pour que Ben les signe en sachant qu’il peut à peine s’occuper de lui.

Ben a appelé l’agence d’adoption pour fixer le rendez-vous. Bonnie fait la conservation avec Emma sur ces genoux. Danny et Riley parlent dans un bar et Riley demande à Danny ne pas parler de ses sentiments pour Ben. Elle reçoit un SMS de Ben disant qu’elle doit venir l’aider maintenant qu’il est seul avec le bébé. Riley s’en va et Danny a des sentiments pour Riley.

Danny rattrape Riley avant qu’elle n’ouvre la porte de l’appartement. Il dit qu’elle a raison, ils doivent laisser Ben prendre confiance en soi pour qu’il s’occupe d’Emma. De ce fait, ils attendent dans le couloir. Tucker arrive après un appel de Ben et ils l’interpellent lui demande d’attendre avec eux. De l’autre côté de la porte, Ben panique totalement mais il prend son courage pour porter Emma et changer sa couche. Ensuite, il essaye de lui donner le biberon mais elle ne veut pas. Ben devient désespérer de trouver comment faire. Sans le vouloir, il lance le biberon en l’air et Emma sourit. Ben recommence et Emma rigole. Il retente de lui donner le biberon et cette fois-ci, elle boit. Ben est heureux.

C’est le matin, Riley et Tucker se sont endormis sur le corps de Danny. Ils entrent dans l’appartement et découvre Ben en train de jouer avec Emma. Ben leur annonce qu’il ne peut pas renoncer à la petite, il l’aime déjà. Les autres sont contents qu’il le réalise et de sa décision. Tucker dit qu’il va falloir faire un planning pour s’occuper d’Emma. Tout le monde est d’accord. Riley les regarde gérer ça tous seuls et s’en va sans qu’ils ne remarquent son départ...

Fin de l'épisode.

Ecrit par stella



Danny is back to New York.


BEN: Huh? Amazing, right?

DANNY: Yeah.

BEN: Bathroom. Bedrooms.

DANNY: Nice.

BEN: Views of other bedrooms and bathrooms.

DANNY: I really appreciate you letting me crash here, bud.

BEN: Are you kidding? You're doing us a favor. No flush Tony just moved out last week.

DANNY: You're sure this isn't a problem?

BEN: Seriously, the best day of my life was when I heard you got traded to the rangers. You're family. My place is your place, man.

(Tucker comes in with the Danny’s big bag)

TUCKER: Technically, it's my place. Okay, and next time I say, "hey, let me help you with that," let's try "no thanks, I got it." You look like an eater. So, just so we're clear, the left side of the fridge is mine.


It knocks on door.


Ben: I got it. Tucker, come on. My brother and my best friend… It's never gonna get any better than this. The three of us together, there's nothing that's gonna stop us.

(Ben opens the door and sees a baby inside)

TUCKER: Except for maybe that.

BEN: There's a baby on my doormat.






BEN: Where did it come from?

DANNY: I don't know. But whoever left it, they couldn't have gotten far.

BEN: Stay there, baby. Make sure she stays there!


They try to find out why.


BEN: I'm just saying, for a woman who just had a baby, she moves remarkably fast. How could she just leave her here?

TUCKER: Ben, you gotta calm down, okay? I'm sure she's not even your baby.

BEN: Exactly! It’s could just be your baby, right?

TUCKER: Not so much, no.

DANNY: And I've only been in town an hour. I mean, I'm fast, but... I'm not that fast.

BEN: This is not my baby.

DANNY: Wait, wait, wait! Guys, we got a note. Her name's Emma.

BEN: I don't know any Emmas.

DANNY: The baby's name is Emma. Hi, Emma. Hey, Ben. Did I ever tell you about that hot waitress I went out with named Emma?

BEN: Danny, focus! The mother.

DANNY: Oh, yeah.

BEN: Who's the mother?

BEN: Sorry, um, Angela.

BEN AND TUCKER: Angela! Of course. That's right.

DANNY: Who is Angela?

BEN: She was nice. Actress.

TUCKER: That girl was crazy.

BEN: Does it say anything else?

DANNY: Uh, she's sorry. She didn't know what else to do. And she just needs a little time.

BEN: Time? How much time?!

( Knocks on door )

BEN: And that would be the perfect amount of time.

DANNY: Oh. That's Riley. I gave her a call while you were outside.

BEN: Riley? Fatpants Perrin? What's she doing here?

TUCKER: You have a friend named Fatpants? Oh, I'm definitely marking my food. No.

DANNY: Riley's in law school now. It took her a while. I guess the LSAT's kind of tricky, but trust me, she will know what to do.


Ben opens the door.


BEN: Ri-Gantor?

RILEY: Ben-wetter!

BEN: Look at you. You look amazing. How did that happen?

RILEY: I may have lost a pound or two.

BEN: Hundred. You sat on my head and gave me a concussion, remember? Tuck, Riley. Riley, Tucker.


DANNY: Riley grew up across the street from us and used to kick the crap out of Ben every day of his life.

BEN: Oh, and congrats on the law school thing.

RILEY: Thanks.

BEN: Don't worry--I know a bunch of people that had a hard time getting in.

(Riley pinches Danny)

DANNY: Ow, ow, ow, ow!

RILEY: Why did you tell him that?


The baby cries.


BEN: I didn't do anything.

RILEY: Oh. Hey. Hey, it's okay, princess.

BEN: Aren't you gonna pick her up?

RILEY: Me? What, you guys see breasts and instantly think mommy? Okay, fine. Hi. Okay. Come here, angel. Oh. Hi. Believe me, I know how scary it is to wake up in a strange place.

(They smile)

RILEY: I'm just making conversation. Are you hungry? I bet you're hungry, huh? Let's see what you got-- Is this all you brought with you? Oh, well, that's okay. We'll just send one of these boys out for provisions and… Oh... I think somebody needs her diaper changed.

BEN: I'll go to the store.

TUCKER: Yeah, I'm going, too. No.

RILEY: Boys are so stupid, aren't they? Yes, they are. They're so stupid. Yes, they are.


Riley has changed Emma.


RILEY: All right, so then you just stick the tabs down, and voila, she's good to go. Oh. Hold her while I get her bottle ready, would you?

DANNY: Uh, me? I'm not really a baby person.

RILEY: Hold her.

(He thold the babt)

RILEY: Whee! Isn't this fun? There you go. All right. Want to maybe, uh, take a step over here?

DANNY: Is she okay?

RILEY: Uh-huh. Have a seat. Oh. Nice and easy.

DANNY: Ah. Is she having fun?

RILEY: Yeah. You guys look comfy.




Ben and Tucker don’t know what take for the baby.


BEN: I can't believe this is happening. I'm not ready to be a dad. What if Angela never comes back?

TUCKER: Oh, my God, taste this. Yo. Chicken, carrots, and pasta. Okay? All in this little jar. It's like, gross, yet oddly delicious. Come on, man. It's gonna be okay.

BEN: How do you know?

TUCKER: I don't, but it's all I got.

WOMAN: Excuse me, how old is your baby?

BEN: Oh, um... That's a good question. I met Angela at that party in the village...


BEN: And we dated for maybe six weeks before we were... Intimate. And she broke up with me pretty much right after that. I'm sure there was no correlation. So, we're into August now, and they take, like, nine months once they're up and running.

TUCKER: I think so.

BEN: So...

(They count)

TUCKER: Three months.

BEN: Three months! My baby's three months old.

WOMAN: Mm-mm. Put this back.

BEN: What?

WOMAN: She ain't got no teeth. Put it back.




Danny gives bib to Emma.


RILEY: So, the first thing Ben has to do is take a paternity test. I mean, though it's pretty obvious she's his. Same smile, same ears, same little sparkly fleck of yellow in the iris. What? Do I have something in my nose? I know you guys think that's funny, but it's not.

DANNY: ou like Ben.

RILEY: What? No, that's insane. I've tormented the guy every day of my life.

DANNY: Holy crap! You really do like Ben.


The guys are back.


BEN: We're back.

DANNY: Hey. Ben, you're not gonna believe what Riley was just

(She pinces him)


RILEY: How'd it go? You guys left and I realized I should have given you a list.

TUCKER: Why? I mean, everyone knows you're not supposed to give a baby solid food until it's at least four months old and sitting up on its own. That woman was mean.

DANNY: I think we're all done here.

RILEY: Oh, all right. Just one good belch and she's done. I think you can handle this part.

BEN: What, me? Right now? Are you sure? Hey, Tucker?

TUCKER: Oh, okay.

RILEY: Great. Danny?

DANNY: Yeah?

RILEY: You're in charge.

DANNY: Wait. You're not leaving, are you?


DANNY: No, I'll be good. I promise.

RILEY: I showed you how to do everything.

DANNY: Yeah, but I wasn't paying attention. You can't go. Ben, tell Riley she can't go.

BEN: You can't go.


DANNY: Ooh, wow, Ben. I never noticed how sparkly your eyes are.

BEN: Please, Riley. We'll never make it through the night without you.

RILEY: Fine. I'll stay.

(Baby spits up)

TUCKER: See? That's what I'm talking about. Right? Hey, she didn't spit up on my shirt though, did she?

(She did)

ALL: No, looks good. No, no, you're great. Brand new, bud.

TUCKER: Good. All right.


Next morning, Ben is ready to work.


BEN: I should be back by five.

DANNY: Wait. Where are you going?

BEN: Uh, work. I got a shift.

TUCKER: Wait, you couldn't get anyone to cover for you?

BEN: Oh, see, that would have been a good idea. Too late now.

DANNY: No, wait, bro. Tuck and I are not watching your kid.

TUCKER: Yeah. The big guy's right. I mean, there is no…

(He runs away)


BEN: Thanks, man. See you!

DANNY: How does this keep happening to me?




Ben impresses Riley with bottles.


RILEY: Whoa. Oh. Wow. Very impressive. And who said you had no discernable skills?

BEN: I think that was you. Riley, what am I supposed to do?

RILEY: Well, there's not really that much we can do until Angela comes back. But I think we should probably talk about the elephant in the room. Which for once isn't me. How much do you want to be involved?

BEN: I don't know what I want. Last year, I was doing construction. Before that, I was waiting tables. Now I'm flipping bottles. I haven't figured my life out yet. I'm not you.

RILEY: What does that mean?

BEN: Oh! Come on. College, law school, this... Transformation. You see what you want and you go for it.

RILEY: Yeah. Not always. Oh! Ice down my bra. Hey. I'm really sorry I sat on your head all those times.

(Cell phone beeps)

BEN: Angela's back. I'm on break, man.

RILEY: I'm sorry I sat on your head. Smooth move, Fatpants. Yes.




Ben comes in.


BEN: Where is she? Where's Angela?

DANNY: First of all, she woke up the baby. Second, she wanted me to give you that envelope.

BEN: You let her leave? What's the matter with you?

DANNY: Oh, I'm sorry. My bad, but I was a little preoccupied raising your child. Read it. I think you'll be happy.

BEN: They're adoption papers. She's putting Emma up for adoption and she needs me to relinquish my rights. If I sign this, I'm not a father anymore.

DANNY: Amazing, right? Well, see, I'm not the only one who's excited. Yay! Whoo!


Everyone is here.


BEN: So, I sign this and Emma has a new daddy?

RILEY: Pretty much. The letter says they already have a family lined up.

(Knocks on door )

BEN: If I do this, if I let her go, I don't want to hear about it. I never want to talk about it again, okay?

DANNY: Okay.


(The mother comes in)

BONNIE: Where is my precious little grandbaby?

BEN: Mom, what are you doing here?

BONNIE: I'm a grandma!

DANNY: Hey, ma. Aah!

BEN: What is she doing here? Did you tell her?

DANNY: I didn't even tell her I was here.

BONNIE: Oh, I'll get to you. Oh. Hi. Oh, she is just a big ol' pile of love.

TUCKER: Yeah, I really don't think that's love that you're smelling.

BONNIE: Okay, who wants to explain to me why I had to hear that I was a grandma while I was getting my nails done? That Jennifer Perrin couldn't wait to let me have it. Ever since that Fatpants daughter of hers got into law school she's just… Hi, Riley. I didn't see you there. You're so thin now, you should wear a bell. Oh. Is this duct tape?

TUCKER: We were having a closure issue.

BONNIE: Oh, what, you couldn't find a stapler?

BEN: Honestly. I can't sign those papers now. It's not gonna happen.

DANNY: Hey, don't worry about mom. You gotta do what you think is right. I'll totally back you up.

BONNIE: What papers?

DANNY: You're on your own, bro.

BEN: Mom... I have some news.

BONNIE: Yeah. You knocked up some girl because you couldn't figure out the basics of birth control. We're past that, honey, okay?

TUCKER: Mrs. Wheeler? Bonnie.

BONNIE: Really?

TUCKER: Mrs. Wheeler. Emma's mom wants to put Emma up for adoption and for Ben to sign away his rights.

BONNIE: Really? So you're… you're thinking about giving up this little girl?

BEN: Yeah, I was thinking about it.

BONNIE; Oh, good.

BEN: Good… what do you mean, good?

BONNIE: Oh, Ben, honey. You can't begin to understand the kind of sacrifice it takes to be a parent. When I married your father, and I had you two, I had to put my dreams on hold.

BEN: What dreams?

BONNIE: Being single and childless. Ben... Honey, I love you, but you can't raise this little girl. You haven't even finished raising yourself. You can't cook, you're barely paying your bills... Honey, I still buy your pants. This baby needs a grown-up. You gotta sign those papers.


Ben calls the adoption agency.


BEN: 9 am. She'll be ready.

(Phone beeps )

BEN: Done. Somebody from the adoption agency will be here first thing in the morning.

TUCKER: You okay?

BEN: Yeah, why wouldn't I be?

TUCKER: Ben, if you don't want to do this, man…

BEN: It doesn't matter. Mom was right. I couldn't raise this baby even if I wanted to.

DANNY: Bro, it's going to be okay. It happened, you dealt with it, and now, like you said, we're never talking about this again.


Bonnie talks to Emma.


BONNIE: I could have been a model. But you've seen your uncle Danny. Yeah. No body could recover from that. He was so big, I had to have a "c," "d," and "e" section.




Danny and Riley discuss.


RILEY: No, don't. I swear to God.

DANNY: Okay. Okay.

RILEY: No, I will hurt you.

DANNY: Okay. So... Did you always like Ben?

RILEY: Oh, my God, you're obsessed. I don't know. Kind of. Guess I always thought maybe someday, but back then I just figured I was too fat, or too…

DANNY: Lloud, or too hairy, or…

RILEY: Okay, we're not making a list.

DANNY: Well, you've grown to be a beautiful and successful woman, I think you can safely move on from Ben Wheeler.

RILEY: Why would I want to do that?

DANNY: Uh, did you miss the part in the story about the baby?

RILEY: The baby he doesn't want to give up?

DANNY: If that's true, then why did he make that call?

RILEY: Because his entire family is telling him he can't do it. If nobody believes in him, how can he believe in himself?

DANNY: He can't do it alone.

RILEY: You don't know that.

( Cell phone beeps )

RILEY: Oh, it's Ben. Your mom's about to leave him alone with the baby.

DANNY: You're going?

RILEY: "Alone" is in all caps.

DANNY: Ow! Ow! What was that for?

RILEY: For making me talk about my feelings. You know I hate that. And go easy on your brother, okay? He looks up to you. In his eyes, you have everything.

(She leaves)

DANNY: Not everything.




Riley comes in, Danny catches up in the stairs.


DANNY: Wait, wait, wait! Wait. Oh, my God. You-- you gotta give me a minute. Maybe now I know why I was traded. You were right. I didn't believe in him. I didn't think he could do it.

RILEY: So why are you telling me?

DANNY: Because... If you go in there and help him, he'll never believe in himself, either.




Ben freakings out.


BEN: Riley, Riley, Riley, Riley, please? She's hungry, or thirsty, or tired. I don't know, I don't speak baby.




Tucker gets out of the elevator.


DANNY: Tuck. What is going on?

TUCKER: Vanessa and I were at the movies when Ben called and said Emma's having some kind of meltdown.

DANNY: I don't think Emma's the problem.




BEN: Tucker, I swear if you're not home in two seconds... I'm gonna eat all your food. Tucker?!




Cell phone ringing. They try to shut up.


TUCKER: Okay! Turn it off!




BEN: Okay. So, it looks like it's just gonna be you and me, huh? Guess we're really gonna do this thing.

(He holds her)

BEN: Okay. Okay, Emma, hi. Hi, baby. Come on, it's okay. Please don't break, please don't break, please don't break. Okay. Okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay, Emma. Daddy's here. It's okay.

(Emma cries)

BEN: Aah. It's okay.




They eat pizza.


TUCKER: I'm telling you, there is no way. Bodily functions make him queasy.

DANNY: He can do it. Where's your faith, man.




Ben changes his diaper.


BEN: See? Here you go. There.


He tries to give the bib but she won’t.


BEN: Okay. Hi. Hi. Hi. Emma? Please eat. Come on, Emma. Look, look, Emma, it's good. It's good.

(He tastes)

BEN: Mmm. Oh, total lie. It's actually quite disgusting. No wonder you don't want to eat. Please eat. Come on, Emma. Just a sip, okay? Come on. Okay, come on. Come on, you have to eat. I'm begging you. Come…

(He launches the feeding-bottle)

BEN: What? You like that? Look what daddy can do. Huh? I do this at work every day. Huh? You want some now? You want some? Here it comes. Here it comes, baby.

(She drinks)

BEN: Oh, my God, you're eating. Thank you so much. Holy crap, now I'm crying. Crap. Don't say crap. Don't use swear words. Oh, I can't believe you're eating. You're so cute.




It’s morning, Riley and Tucker sleep in Danny’s body.


DANNY: Hey, wake up. Dude, you're drooling on me.





They enters.


BEN: Ahh... Boo! Ooh.

(Ben mimicking monkey)

BEN: Hey.

DANNY: Hey. You okay?

BEN: Yeah. I think I want to do this. I can't let her go. I love her. Did you guys hear me?

TUCKER: Yeah. Yeah, we heard you.

DANNY: You should probably call the agency. It's almost 7:00.

TUCKER: Come on, mi amor. Here we go. Ooh, somebody could use a bath. Oh. You both could.

DANNY: I'm gonna go get a bottle ready.

BEN: But I want to give it to her, okay?

TUCKER: We're really gonna have to get on some kind of schedule though. For real.

DANNY: What do you mean?

TUCKER: Well, we have a baby now so I mean, we kind of have to be adults.

BEN: Okay. I'll do the shopping.

TUCKER: Okay, but let's talk about...

(Riley sees them and leaves without they see her)


End of the episode.

Ecrit par stella

Kikavu ?

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stella  (08.12.2016 à 21:15)

Je ne connaissais pas du tout le film "3 hommes et un couffin" avant d'avoir des échos que la série a beaucoup de similitudes avec ce film. Je l'ai donc vu la fois où le film repassait sur 6ter. On reconnait bien certaines situations retrouvées dans la série. Après comme tu dis Mamy, cela est revu et sonne plus frais. Le thème n'est pas nouveau mais il est bien abordé.

mamynicky  (08.12.2016 à 16:24)

 Je pensais au départ voir un remake de 3 hommes et un couffin, mais finalement, c"est plus frais et plus jeune. 

Je ne connaissais pas les acteurs, mais je les trouve géniaux, j'essaierai de les voir dans un autre rôle.


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HypnoMag | Lire le nouveau numéro !

Alternative Awards : À vos nominés
Alternative Awards | On compte sur vous !

Activité récente
HypnoCup 2021 : Danny et Riley en compétition !

HypnoCup 2021 : Danny et Riley en compétition !
L'HypnoCup 2021 vient de débuter sur le thème "Love is in the air" ! La compétition est rude puisque...

La liste du Père Noël I Diffusion

La liste du Père Noël I Diffusion
Le téléfilm "La liste du Père Noël" avec Matt Dallas sera diffusé demain, 25...

Au revoir!

Au revoir!
Après plusieurs années comme administratrice principale du quartier, c'est avec un pincement au...

HypnoChannel: Danny et Riley sont à l'honneur

HypnoChannel: Danny et Riley sont à l'honneur
A l'occasion de la Saint-Valentin, plusieurs couples sont mis à l'honneur sur la chaine du site...

Nouveau design

Nouveau design
Après avoir arboré pendant 2 ans et demi les mêmes couleurs, le quartier fait peau neuve avec ce...


Les nouveautés des séries et de notre site une fois par mois dans ta boîte mail ?

Inscris-toi maintenant


CastleBeck, Avant-hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !